Gatas ng Kalabaw (Carabao’s Milk)

Supermarket mainstay

I wonder how come I missed talking about this when I love Kesong Puti and this is one of my favorite milk ever. 🙂 Carabao’s milk.

It’s all because of mom too that I like drinking this. Though I never  pour this over my rice and make it like my sabaw (soup), I love drinking this. Hot with a skin forming on top and me eating the skin first, or cold straight from the chiller. How does it taste like? Warm, it reminds me of nilagang baka (beef soup) wherein the flavors of the marrow seep into the soup. The essence of the carabao 😛 Cold, it reminds me of a very rich and creamy milk. From hearsay (meaning my mom), carabao’s milk is really creamier in general. Horrible for cholesterol, but good for the palette. I would love to have constant cheap access to this one since this 500ml costs almost a P100 pesos. Argh. But I still love it.

Milk 🙂

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