Restaurant Review: Mary Grace Cafe

Sardine and olive pasta

After a rumor I heard about this place, I wasn’t too keen on eating here. But the ambiance is so chill, and after having dessert here recently, we were curious to see how their main dishes fared. So on an attempt of a light lunch, we headed here on a quiet Saturday lunch. It was a mix and match of all the things we wanted.


Sushee got squash soup and sardine and olive pasta. Ara and I shared the kesong puti dip, while she had the daing (dried fish) salad and I had the chorizo and olive pasta. I didn’t bother tasting Sushee’s soup since I make this regularly. Comments over-all.


At first, I liked Ara’s salad, with the local dressing. It gave off a nice salt to season the salad, but a second bite gave me an off-taste, with it becoming just too fishy. But since Ara finished her salad, I don’t think she had any complaints about it. Our appetizer/dip was so-so. The kesong puti was topped with olive oil and garlic. With the tender flavor of kesong puti, I think it was overpowered by the other ingredients. The pasta dishes, I love. 🙂 Simple and easy to replicate at home, without it being to heavy.  Total damage at around P1000 for three people, without drinks and dessert. 🙂

Twirly pasta

A light lunch, easy on the tummy. But the rest of the options on the menu were not  that interesting for me. Maybe more dishes would make the menu better. I mean, how good can a carbonara get? Really.

5 thoughts on “Restaurant Review: Mary Grace Cafe

  1. Well I finished the salad but I wouldn’t order it again! hahaha.. I didn’t like the kesong puti dip that much either.

    I’d probably stick to the desserts next time!

      1. Nope! It’s “nakakaumay.” hahaha.. You know how there are some salads na you can’t get enough off? This one isn’t like that. hahaha

  2. Hehe. Ok, this makes me kind of sad because Mary Grace is actually one of my favorite eating places in the Metro. I like almost everything they have but especially the cassava chips w/ onion dip and the fresh herb & tomato pasta, w/c my taste buds love so much they make me dream of it. 🙂

    1. Possible that we ordered the wrong stuff. But then, this is what interested us from the menu 🙂 And they were more of “ah, okay” than anything else. Hahaha. I’m sorry! 🙂

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