Postre (Guava in Coconut Milk)

Postre in a bowl

Pronounced as pos-tre. Not like poster. Pos-tre.

Some of the guavas we have gotten from Tarlac were too ripe for eating. It was mushy inside already. I do like the ripe ones, but when it’s soft, it’s a bit gross actually. My mom and her siblings suddenly started discussing something about postre. I believe this is in the local Kapampangan dialect, and it refers to the cooked guava in sweetened coconut milk. I don’t know how else to refer to this but that, so Postre is easier.

I told my mom I wanted to make guava jam, since I really like guava jam on pretty much all kinds of bread. But my mom insisted that postre is better. Who am I to argue when I have never tasted it? So I told them to just teach me how to make it, but as usual, my mom skipped the tutoring and I just come home to the postre cooked already. So everything here is mostly second hand information. Except for the eating part. 🙂

The ripe guavas were sliced and allowed to cook down in a pan. It’s all mush actually, since I saw the product. Kinda gross, but since it smells like guava, it smelled good. This was chilled.

On another day mom cooked some coconut milk and sugar and once thickened, the guava was added to this. Chill in the fridge, and serve. Now this is postre! 🙂 I can’t provide a detailed recipe, so I won’t. But if you like guava, you will like this dessert! 🙂

PS. This was my second attempt of taking a great picture. It’s just not possible. The food actually looks gruesome, doesn’t it? 🙂

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